An ’EDGE’ is defined as the marking line between what was and what will be. A space of transition.

Life is full of edges, some soft but some very hard and painful. Whether you welcome aspects of a change or not, being in the EDGE zone presents challenges to your sense of self, the world and others. 

Edges can be painful and risky – they can be very hard to transition. You knew or thought you knew who you were and what ‘reality’ was. What was ‘normal’. Your path. Now it’s unknown territory and it’s hard to predict who and where you will be. The beliefs you held about yourself, your value and your worth, are rocked. When you hit an Edge you begin to question everything.

Alex’s application to law school was unsuccessful – three times. A definite EDGE encounter. Alex contacted me feeling demoralized and at complete loose ends, finding it hard to get going on anything. Stuck. Sense of self and purpose blown out of the water. 

One of the first things we addressed was, ‘why law?’. What did law provide as a life choice and a meaning making system? 

Simon Sinek popularized the concept of ‘why’. Watch his TED Talk on the Golden Circle.

If you haven’t nailed your why or if you have left it behind in the mad rush, then you have a critical initial piece of work. So Alex and I dug deep to answer “Why law?”.

A desire to make more right in the world.

Professional autonomy having a practice. Being independent.

Energetic engagement

Mental challenges

Good income

A strong belief in social justice and a desire to play a part in creating a world where it existed for all.

As we explored more deeply what each of those things meant or would provide, the last continually shone most brightly. To energetically engage to shape a just world. Justice. Also important was the capacity to live a life balanced by fun and family connection. 

EDGES offer opportunity as well as risk and loss. Opportunity to create your bigger future. To re-imagine. To thrive. Edges demand re-definition, re-envisioning, and re-engagement. 

Next we engaged Imagination. Law was not the only or even the best way to achieve this why. 

Ultimately my client engaged with a non-profit that fit the articulated whys. 

Yes there was grief, anger and resistance in this process. 

There was also pride, excitement and contentment. 

Why is this so important now? When it can seem as if normal has twisted beyond recognition or disappeared altogether. 

Because like Alex, when you are in touch with your core values and the why that expresses them, your options open up. What you did and how you did it in the old normal, becomes only one expression. Imagination and playful envisioning can then be engaged to thrive in the next normal. 

Self-defeating conversations cloud your ability to re-define, re-envision and re-engage. To influence the landscape the other side of the edge. With these stories come emotions that drown your resolve and keep you pacing back and forth at the edge, afraid to act. Automatically you focus your energy on finding the closest thing to your old world. Which no longer exists.

So if you feel trapped in a whirlpool of flux, begin by asking yourself,” is the way I am talking to myself focused on pain and threat or energy and opportunity”? 

Become aware of how you talk to yourself. Tap into mind blowing, non-edited creativity. IMAGINE.

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